CAESAR has been established to improve the diagnosis and treatment of common skin and allergy problems in primary care

The majority of people with skin and/or allergy conditions are looked after by their GP.  However, there are many uncertainties about how to best look after even common problems.

The centre was established as part of an NIHR Research Professorship in 2024.  By improving capacity, it will address research priorities and improve the evidence base for treatments, with the goal of better patient experience and outcomes.

The group sits within the Centre for Academic Primary Care, NIHR School for Primary Care Research, and works closely with the Bristol Trials Centre.  The centre also hosts the SAPC and NIHR SPCR Skin and Allergy specialist interest groups.

Directed by Matthew Ridd, GP and Professor of Primary Health Care, it comprises a multi-disciplinary group of around 20 people, and has a focus on childhood eczema and food allergy.

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