Current projects

Current projects include:

TOPIC: Transforming Outcomes for Paediatric allergy In primary Care. Aim: to improve the care provided for children who suffer from eczema and/or food allergies.

TIGER:  Trial of food allergy (IgE) tests for eczema Relief. Aim: to answer the research question, “Does food allergy test-guided dietary advice improve disease control in children with eczema?”

ATHENA: AmiTriptyline for the prevention of post-HErpetic NeuralgiA. Aim: to determine if the early use of amitriptyline can prevent long term pain from shingles.

RAPID and Efficient Eczema Trials (RAPID). Thomas K, Roberts A, Ridd MJ, Santer M, Muller I, Cowdell F, Bradshaw L, Tanaka R, Collins S, Haines R, Montgomery A, Mitchell E, Ravenscroft J, Williams HC. Funder: National Institute for Health and Care Research (September 2022-February 2027)

Developing and testing an online intervention to support self-management, improve outcomes and reduce antibiotic use in acne. Santer M, Muller I, Stuart B, Thomas K, Layton A, Francis N, Ridd M, Sach T, Lanagan S, Soulsby I, Thompson A, Griffiths G, Dove S, Patel M, Yardley L, Little P. Funder: NIHR Programme Grant for Applied Research (March 2022-February 2027)

DEXACELL: Dexamethasone as an adjunctive therapy for the management of cellulitis – a randomised controlled trial in urgent secondary care. Hamilton F, Williams O, Shipley D, Creanor S, Taylor H, Hawton A, Lasserson D, Wainman H, Ridd M, Chaudhuri E,  Arnold D, Cook H, White C, Rowe D, Carlton E. Funder: NIHR HTA, January 2024-December 2026.

Gran S, Vinogradova Y, Ridd M J, Yiu Z, Harman K. The association between the COVID-19 vaccine and skin conditions. NIHR SPCR, July 2023-June 2025.